Tuesday, December 24, 2013

An Introduction

Welcome!  As you probably guessed, my name is Lily and I am starting a challenging and rewarding journey through history's finest texts  While I had the extraordinary good fortune to attend and graduate from an Ivy League university, I took the path of least resistance at the time and did what I needed to get a degree.  I spent a few years wishing I had that time back, and the opportunity to learn.  And then it hit me: throughout history, people have learned through independent study of important books.  With websites, an e-reader and online courses at my disposal, there was no excuse for me not to do the same.

And so, my journey begins.  There are many great books lists to choose from, but I am going to start out with a very modified version of the St. John's College Reading List.  I will probably not follow it precisely, as I have read some of the works on the list, but it will be my starting point.  The purpose of this blog is to keep me motivated and to force me to work through the texts in a more purposeful way.  I will be writing about my thoughts on the readings as I go along, and I encourage feedback and dialogue!  The life of an autodidact can be isolating.

My goal list:

1)       The Iliad
2)     The Odyssey
3)     Agamemnon
4)     Libation Bearers
5)     Herodotus’ Histories (Selections)
6)     Plato’s Gorgias
7)      Plato’s Meno
8)     Sophocles’ Antigone
9)     Oedipus Rex
10)  Plato’s Republic
11)   Aristophanes’ Clouds
12)  Plato’s Apology, Crito
13)  Plato’s Phaedo
14)  Thucydides’ Peloponnesian War
15)  Plato’s Theaetetus
16)  Plato’s Sophist
17)   Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound
18)  Plato’s Phaedrus
19)  Plato’s Symposium
20) Aristotle’s Ethics
21)  Aristotle’s Politics
22) Sophocles’ Ajax
23) Lucretius’ On the Nature of Things
24) Aristotle’s Physics
25) Euripides’ Bacchae
26) Sophocles’ Oedipus at Colonus
27)  Aristotle’s Metaphysics
28) Aristophanes’ Frogs
29) Aristotle’s Poetics
30) Sophocles’ Philoctetes
31)  Livy’s Early History of Rome
32) Plutarch’s Lives (Selections)
33) Virgil’s Aeneid
34) Tacitus Annals
35) Epictetus’ Discourses
36) Aristotle On The Soul
37)  Plotinus’ Enneads
38) Augustine’s Confessions
39) Maimonides’ Guide of the Perplexed
40)Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologiae
41)  Dante’s Divine Comedy
42) Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales
43) Thomas More’s Utopia
44)Nietsche’s Beyond Good and Evil
45) Shakespeare’s Love’s Labours Lost
46)Machiavelli’s The Prince
47) Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream
48)Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice
49)Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew
50) Shakespeare’s Winter Tale
51)  Shakespeare’s Richard III
52) Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night
53) Shakespeare’s Sonnets
54) Montaigne’s Essays
55) Teresa of Avila
56) Shakespeare’s Richard II
57)  Shakespeare’s Henry IV
58) Descartes’ Discourse on Method
59) Shakespeare’s Othello
60)Shakespeare’s King Lear
61)  Shakespeare’s Tempest
62) Shakespeare’s The Merry Wives of Windsor
63) Don Quixote
64)Confucius’ Analects
65) Tale of Genji
66)Common Sense
67) Paradise Lost
68)Northanger Abbey
69)Jane Eyre
70) Moby Dick
71)   Walden
72)  Hobbes’ Leviathan
73)  Locke’s Second Treatise on Government
74) Gulliver’s Travel
75)  Heart of Darkness
76) One Hundred Years of Solitude
77)  Hume’s Treatise on Human Nature
78) A Critique of Pure Reason
79) Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling
80)Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations
81)  Huckleberry Finn
82) Great Expectations
83) A Doll’s House
84)Brothers Kamarazov
85) Oliver Twist
86)Anna Karenina
87) Waiting for Godot
88)War and Peace
89)Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit
90)Poe’s Collected Works and Stories
91)  Tocqueville’s Democracy in America
92) A Vindication of the Rights of Women
93) The Feminine Mystique
94)Dubois’ The Souls of Black Folk
95) The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie
96)Animal Farm
97) 1984
98)The Communist Manifesto
99)Autobiography of Malcom X

100)  Mrs. Dalloway

I will be starting with Homer's Iliad.  Stay tuned for my thoughts on the first few books!



  1. I just reread The Odyssey this year. It was so good! Welcome to the club!

  2. Thank you! I'll be tackling The Odyssey next, if I ever get through this. :)
